Cherokee Trails 2002

SaveMe.jpg (116547 bytes)

Find this picture-taker a rally car sponsor so he never gets the chance to shoot himself again!

Shots by Mad Mike taken with a "Brownie Instamatic" between sessions of flogging a loaner Galant VR4 at the Cherokee Trails Int'l Rally in the Great Smoky Mountains near Chattanooga, Tennessee on 16 March 2002.

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Cricket Pavilion Friday
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Morning. Queued up for tech.

Kulig.jpg (79968 bytes)

ONeil.jpg (77412 bytes)

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Kulig Evo

O'Neil Impreza

MacAire/Dillon Focus

Mac-Dill1.jpg (75311 bytes)

JasonOle.jpg (53514 bytes)

Blonde.jpg (60334 bytes)

Grinning to hide his disappointment at NOT being in the StudBug.

Grimacing to hide his disappointment at NOT being in the StudBug.

Blonde wondering where the hell the StudBug is.

0-car-02.jpg (72530 bytes) GregIan1.jpg (85940 bytes) DMartin.jpg (67140 bytes)

Mitsubishi Zero

Peeper/Bevan WRX

Martin/DeMotte Evo

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The All-Girl Stage crew all cleaned up. The All-Girl Stage crew wet & soggy "manning" the SS1 ATC.
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Midpoint SS2 Hangin' with the crew. The road denied us.
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Lovell approaches and leaves. Kulig's turn to turn.
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Proof of the eventual winner's SS2 boo-boo. Car Zero waiting to start SS5 Hangin' with the crew 2.
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Graffiti in the fast lane The Last CT 2002 FTC
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The Crew staying busy Bruce Weinman helpin'
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The 00 Crew looking for their Forest(er) ... The counter-stage view of the last turn. A close-up of SS7 & the rally's last turn ...
DHigSS7.jpg (80084 bytes) KuligSS7.jpg (77195 bytes) LovelSS7.jpg (73608 bytes)
Higgins/Cooledge Sube Kulig/Baran Evo Lovell/Turvey Subie
SubieSS7.jpg (79347 bytes) MHigSS7.jpg (57718 bytes) McGrrSS7.jpg (78546 bytes)
Lageman/Kidd ? Subie Higgins/Gibson Tiburon McGeer/Williams WRX
MillenS7.jpg (70564 bytes) NelsnSS7.jpg.jpg (84697 bytes) PattrSS7.jpg (73954 bytes)
Millen/Cowan Evo Nelson/Bradley Evo Patterson/Allen Evo
PRichSS7.jpg (73326 bytes) ONeilSS7.jpg (64930 bytes) EoinSS7.jpg (67135 bytes)
Patrick & Anne WRX O'Neil/Headland Subie McGeough/Gillespie
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Dunn/Summers Evo Zimmer/Shindle Thomson/Pollard WRX
BailySS7.jpg (70362 bytes) SubieSS7.jpg (79347 bytes) WrkumSS7.jpg (48672 bytes)
Bailey/Perry Isuzu The Unknown Subaru Workum/Gelsomino
HeikiSS7.jpg (66197 bytes) LauchSS7.jpg (79168 bytes) FieldSS7.jpg (60714 bytes)
Heikki & Cindy Sti O'Sullivan/Chester Field/Weiman Celica
MCoxSS7.jpg (59161 bytes) OlsonSS8.jpg (70953 bytes) LeslySS8.jpg (66656 bytes)
Cox/Gill Evo Olson/Ketelsen Celica Suddard/Goldfarb Ford
BHendSS8.jpg (70860 bytes) WyethSS8.jpg (63206 bytes) PiotrSS8.jpg (57390 bytes)
Henderson/McArthur Gubelman/Pace Motykiewicz/Dorman
McEnrSS8.jpg (60765 bytes) OldhmSS8.jpg (77257 bytes) JoshTSS8.jpg (59449 bytes)
McEnroe/Kegnan Oldham/McKinney Turner/Pugh
OttisSS8.jpg (57157 bytes)